Corporate social responsibility

XI Latin American Meeting of Socially Responsible Companies

A&P Solutions Interiors and Powertrain and Exteriors plants received the Distinctive ESR® 2018 for the first year, and the Structurals division achieved the recognition for the second consecutive year.

The distinctive recognizes the business vision that integrates respect for people, ethi...

Calzando Corazones

Giving continuity to our shoe donation campaign, A&P Solutions joined to Grupo Proactivo Mexicano in the "Calzando Corazones" campaign in which shoes were given and help for 189 children in the community of San Miguel Tecuanipa who were affected by the earthquakes of last September.

March Celebrations

During the month of March we celebrated two international dates in a commemorative way, International Women's Day on March 8th , the date on which we celebrated the struggle of women for freedom and rights within society and "World Day of Happiness" on March 20th  in Recognition of the important role happiness plays in the lives of people around the world.


A&P Solutions se sumó a zapaterias GonPard en su campaña "Dona un par", en la cual gracias a la aportación de todos nuestros colaboradores se entregaron más de 300 pares de zapatos restaurados a mujeres, niños y adultos mayores del Estado de Puebla en situación vulnerable.


En el mes de Diciembre arrancó nuestra campaña "Juguetón 2017", los juguetes recaudados fueron entregados a comunidades vulnerables del estado de Puebla e Hidalgo.

Esta campaña es posible gracias a la colaboración y participación de todos nuestros colaboradores